New Canadians Health Centre Membership
The New Canadians Health Centre Bylaws: Article # 9. Membership Conditions
Subject to the articles, there shall be three classes of members in the Corporation.
Membership in the Corporation shall be available to persons interested in furthering the Corporation's purposes and who have applied for and been accepted into membership in the Corporation by resolution of the Board or in such other manner as may be determined by the Board.
Membership in the Corporation shall ensure the diversity of users and communities served by the New Canadians Health Centre. A membership recruitment policy and strategy shall be developed to ensure equitable representation of the Corporation’s membership.
These membership conditions in the NCHC Bylaws will guide the development of the NCHC membership policy and recruitment strategy.
Who can be a member?
Members can be people or organizations. For example, it can be a user of services at the NCHC, a member of cultural communities and neighbourhoods where the NCHC is located, a not-for-profit organization, an educational institution, etc. Members must subscribe to the bylaws and objects of the New Canadians Health Centre.
The NCHC is looking for new members who:
believe in the New Canadians Health Centre’s vision, missions, and values.
willing to participate and be engaged in the Centre’s activities.
desire for collaboration.
value diversity, inclusion, and equity as guiding principles in the operations of the New Canadians HealthCentre.
How long is membership?
Membership is for 2 years at a time. It must be renewed every second year with June 1st as the renewal deadline.
How many members can there be?
There is no limit to the number of members.
What do members do?
Each member of the New Canadians Health Centre can:
Be involved in guiding the overall direction of the New Canadians Health Centre
Elect the Board of Directors (the governance body)
Run for office as a member of the Board of Directors
Approve the financial statements
Appoint the auditors
Participate in different committees to address special areas of concern or interest for the operation of the NewCanadians Health Centre
What are the responsibilities of a member?
Promote the vision, mission, and activities of the New Canadians Health Centre
Advocate, connect, network and recruit new members and other people to the New Canadians HealthCentre throughout the Edmonton community and region
Adhere and support policies approved by the general membership
Attend Annual General Meetings or other special meetings called by the Board of Directors
Participate in activities and events at the New Canadians Health Centre